The end of the day fell lazy, despite the bands turning up in super good time to sound check over pints and banter (and chips).
For the first time since the sessions began, I had a particularly nervous wait for Medicinners, the sunshine and Olympic gold, stupefying senses and halting people from venturing away from their chairs. But all went well in the end, by ten o'clock, the room had built to a nice bustling level again, ensuring that Polly Barrett ended her set to a nicely full room.
Polly is a lovely human. This is evident in her off stage persona as well as her on-stage one and shines through her songwriting, which are lovely, quietly quirky things, full of snippets of personal experience. She manages to write about the very small aspects of relationships that usually get ignored. The secret crush on the owner of a bookshop, walks in countryside whilst reminiscing, the second guessing self doubt after a broken relationship, nothing hugely intense of screeching of passionate lovehate, just lots of gentle commentary about life stuff. She happily informed the room of the context of the story she was about to sing, delighting in the process and genuinely enjoying the act of performing, smiling, gently dancing sometimes with her particularly lovely sounding Martin. With a voice of warm, sweet honey.
Joe Power has been a regular 'open floorer' at the sessions since we started and does the job so well that I had to book him. Although he doesn't deliver his own material, he performs the work of others with such passionate, enrapturing ability, that he passes the originality test. Joe is a born performer and as close to a medieval minstrel as you will find in modern Ireland, hitching from session to session, collecting stories, songs and poems, new and old, all of which he keeps stored in his head for later use. For the sessions, he deliberately chose some crow based pieces to perform, the character of crow moving through his body as easily as his blood. "a black rainbow" he inhabited Ted Hughes' words as he lived them out on stage.